Saturday, October 20, 2012

You Ought To Know...

Today, Know that you are Loved... sometimes I post the "morning mana'o" after the morning time has passed, but I like doing things on "Hawaiian Time," meaning that I will likely be late, but always, I will be where I am meant to be.

It has been a very harrowing last few days for all of us. There is not one person who I know who is particularly close to me who has not, at some point, even today, gone through something that has made them just want to fall apart in to a mess of tears.

Let it be well known right now that if you are not aware of it, you are very Loved. While it might seem to you that there is no one on the planet who loves you, that there is no relief for you to look forward to, the most beautiful thing that any one of us should never forget is that above all, We Are Very Loved. Yes, there are people who are in our lives who are the very heart and soul of us (and you all know who you are when speaking in terms of the people who I am closest to and with whom I share the most time and heart and soul with...I Love You, Guys! Thank you for being there for me, too!!), and yes, you can guarantee that at any given time that each and all of us is adding to that list of people. And while you are at it you can feel free to add me to that list, as well.

Today, Know for sure and without any reservation that you are dearly very Loved.

Human beings, many of us, still, have no inkling of the fact that no matter what, not one of us is without Love in our lives. We tend to take it personally when someone disagrees with what we so hold opinion of, and we get upset when we find out that the things we wanted in our lives are not meant to be. Yet, when we think about it further, we find out that if we just stop for a moment and pause for the lesson at hand, we will find out that at the end of the lesson there was only Love to be learned, to be had, and to be Known.

We cannot make it through life without Love in some manner in our lives. It doesn't have to be the love between two who are romantically involved, and it doesn't have to be parental Love, it just is what it is, and what it is can only be referred as the purest, most highest form of Aloha that any one of us will ever really and truly Know.

So with that much known, know. too, that no matter what, you are very, very Loved.



Reverend Roxanne Cottell is the Kumu Hula and Creator of the Spiritual Hula Program for Women and the Co-Founder of Na Hula O Ka Wahine 'Ui. She is a blogger, book authorchoreographer and Spiritual Adviser. To contact Roxanne for information about the Spiritual Hula Program for Women or information regarding private hula or Spiritual Guidance sessions with her feel free to send her an email.

(c) 2012 Roxanne K. Cottell. All Rights Reserved. 

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