Tuesday, April 30, 2013

...like puzzle pieces...

How is your awareness these days?

I am almost positive that the things that you are thinking about these days, even though they are the same things that they were about six months ago, they are not the same thoughts about those things. Think about it (do I not LOVE saying that? haha)...think back six months to today's date and about where you were in an emotional sense and you will know that since that time you have grown in your thinking. In fact, you have grown and evolved SO much in the way that you think and do things that to go backward to a way that you knew was the very truth of you is a virtual impossibility because you have, in the time which has passed, become a lot more refined in your thought processes and you have become more aware, not only of the things that you know you do not like and would rather have less of in your life, you are also now more aware of the things that you desire and more, how to keep yourself free from the things that insult your soul.

An Insult to the Soul

For me to have to go through what it was that I elected to put myself through beginning in August of 2012 is like my asking to go back to the biblical vomit that the (for real now) Proverb-ial dog in that bible reference likens mankind to when we choose to go backward to the things that might have worked for us back then but now they only serve to remind of who we are no longer. My best example is that these last three days I have been given proof AND chance to tell many of my students that they have been through a whole lot, but that now is that time when it all seems like it is the same, the things that broke us are here again, and this time we are more inclined to not allow those same demons back into the closets of our minds where some of our monsters still live. It is the demons which we allow and believe that make it all a pain in the rear end when it comes to our evolution.

When you feel like you have to explain yourself about anything that you have asked someone else to do on your behalf, and you know that you and that other person or those other people have evolved to the point where whatever action taken, NOT to remedy but to soothe, temporarily, the aching within, you know that also those same people who are not as evolved will come back at you, roaring and raging from the fires which are set by the Ego. Our Ego is a funny little creature. Our Ego is there to protect us but sometimes, and in fact, more times than not, our Ego is what gets us into all kinds of different sorts of trouble. Sometimes we want to think that we know what is best for us, for our families, and sometimes it is not the words of others coming to us but that which we speak to them that proverbially buries us.

That's right...sometimes it is the words that we tell others when they ask the questions that we have wanted to ask, the very questions that we need to answer ourselves that make it so that we learn when and where and why it was that we chose to insult our own soul. We insult our soul when our physical selves and our egos want what they want, and when it is that we are thinking that there will be one kind of outcome to something that is not a small, but a monumentally huge, outcome to our lives and the thing that we are looking for, we end up with a let down, and that let down is always preceded by our Soul knowing that we should not have trusted what our Ego told us to begin with.

Then there are those times when you yourself are the one to tell people "I told you so" and even though they know that you are right, they insist that no, you are not, and that no, you were never right. The "I Told You So" is the catalyst to things that our Ego needs to learn, because it is in that moment where we are being asked by our guides to either listen, take heed to what our soul is telling us, or get okole sore (butt hurt) because our Ego is so worried that what we are choosing without its help that we just have to save face in front of people who we never realize would never do that same thing for us were the tables reversed.

When we feel nasty about something, all the way down to our core, this is the sign that we have dearly suffered an insult to our very soul. We know it is the truth when we feel awful about something and the only thing that we can feel is that feeling. It is the feeling that somehow there is an absoluteness in the idea and the measure that who we are has been compromised, that what we believe is the truth has been altered AND questioned, by us even, and that alone is a big enough infraction to the Soul.

Everything Old is not only new again, but it is improved

It is not a secret to anyone who really truly knows me, who knows all my secrets and heartaches, everything that makes me laugh like a maniac, that I like being someone who helps other people make the old brand new. By this I mean that those issues that people think are issues are not really issues but instead are facets of life that some folks just do not understand and they are not understanding it because the simple fact is that rarely is any one of us not human enough to be able to look at our own selves objectively. There are not a whole lot of us who can look at a situation that we are right in the middle of and be able to take away the emotional energy from it. It just won't happen. It is why every good healer also has healers who they work with. Every good healer is prone to having bouts of human beingness every now and again, and the most of us are more inclined to tell a person that when they hurt physically, it means that somewhere on the inside they hurt emotionally.

By thinking about a thing in a different manner, we allow the Light of new possibility into our lives. That which we thought was Love was anything but, and that which we thought of as not being the truth in Love is actually the truth indeed. When we think about it all, we can see things travel in a circle, that where we were we have revisited and where we have been in the past, now that it is revisited, we find ourselves there again but that this time around we can see it as being brand new, and the difference is not because the situation is brand new, but more that we are.

When we can think of ourselves as the one missing component of the newness, we can also see the entirety of our situation with us still in the middle of it all but totally at peace with it all. We can see that everything truly does happen for a reason, and that while we might not always understand the reason most of the time we accept it and see the gift that is contained within it. When a circle begins, and we recognize that we have been right where we are now and we can see, too, that this time we are the difference, it truly makes a big fat difference all the way around. When we can see where we have been and can recognize it and can look at it from a new place, we can also see that there are a lot more options to that one thing than we thought. The reason is because we have chosen a new thought about it, and really, most of the time, that is all it takes.

When we stop ourselves from being able to see past anything at all with eyes that are only choosing to see where we have been without seeing again that we can do it different, this is when the heaviness that is the sameness of last time sets in. However, the thing that a lot of us forget about is that there is a reason that we are seeing our circle for the first time in a different manner and too, we can also see that since we are now more willing to approach it in a manner that was not like the past, we can also Know Hope. We can Know Faith. We can, at that point, also Know the richness that is having faith that everything turns out for the best, and that everything that needs to happen, happens.

Like pieces of an intricate puzzle made of the intimacies held with others, we find that we can be at home with ourselves, that we can be comfortable in our own skin and more than that, we find that there are others in our lives who came along for the ride and that somehow, they are a very important piece of the puzzle.

With that much said...you know it is the Truth...


To learn more about the area's ONLY Healing with Hula program, "Na Hula O Ka Wahine'ui," please visit The Sisterhood of the Soul's website at www.mapu70.wix.com/sisterhoodofthesoul

The original Southern Plantation Preacher Lady, Rev. Vel-Danielle Gambrell and her Kindred Souls of the South's Facebook page can be visited and "liked" by going to www.facebook.com/KindredSoulsOfTheSouth

For information or to set an appointment with either Rev. Roxanne Cottell or Rev. Vel-Danielle Gambrell please send an email to either of them here in facebook by going to:

Rev. Vel-Danielle Gambrell  : www.facebook.com/spiritfish
Rev. Roxanne K. Cottell : www.facebook.com/reverendroxie

To contact Rev. Roxanne Cottell (Reverend Roxie) please send an email to reverendroxie22@gmail.com

Friday, April 26, 2013

Love Conditional

The Problem is not that there is no Love, but that it is Love that comes with conditions

I love people and people know this. I say it often. I show it all the time. I let folks know the truth of me by letting them know that no matter what, the truth of them according to me is that they are Love, that they deserve to be Loved, and that they are at least worthy of Unconditional Love by me and by people like me.
There is so much in this lifetime that we have issues with, so much that we know is not appropriate according to who we are and what we each and independently stand for that we barely recognize Love when it is the truth of us.

Love is the Truth of Us

It is true - Love is indeed the very truth of us. It is the reason that we are each here, and it is the reason that we do the things that we do, not only for ourselves but also for the people in our lives who are the closest to us. Love becomes not only what and who we are when we show those closest to us that this is our truth, but Love becomes who and what we are in regards to other people. We know this, and if we don't know this, then there are people reading this who know this truth now and this truth now is that yes, you are also Love.

My only thought about how it is that we go about no longer knowing that we are Love is that somewhere in the history of us each, there was at least one person who was willing to make us prove to them that we were worthy of their love. When we have to prove to someone else that we are worthy of their truth in Love and we are hurt and we feel like we have to work for their Love, that is not Love, it is a condition.

It is a condition that we must adhere to and it is a condition that if we do not adhere to it, we will be, by the very energy that we are being given by these people, be given something that is there and is something that scars our soul by snuffing the light of our Spirit. Placing conditions on Love hurts us, hurts other people, makes us all feel like somehow we have to keep up with an ideal - someone else's ideal- of what Love is. And we expect people to Love us, all of us does. We expect that they Love us, and expect that they will do so with fervor and with abandon and then the reality of their truth in Love comes and smacks us with the hot spatula of the truth. The truth being that if we want their Love in completion, we have a few conditions to live up to.


Love is the only Condition we need to be in. It is the only real thing and is the thing which heals us more than much else can, yet we hold back and we make those we expected to love us live by the rules of this thing called Love that we think is only between two people. We make it hard on others when we tell them that we Love them and then tell them that there is something that they need to do in order to have that Love in completion, and in reality, it is not total and neither the completeness that is the Love that we all each need, even from our Selves. We have this grand ability to choose, and always, those who are inclined to choose Love but only from their sense and their truth of it are not wholly Loving people and are not wholly Loving themselves either.

Placing conditions on Love cripples and blinds us. It cripples us down to the Bones of the Soul. It blinds us from the truth of us, of those in our awareness, of everything that is meant to be seen as the very truth of Love. We think we know what is best for us, which we do, but this makes us ignorant...blinded by what we think is the Light in us when in reality it is what is blocking that very Light from extending to others.

Love is the Un-Condition

In our society there are many physical conditions that were placed there within us by the conditions placed on Love. We have, as a whole, limited ourselves when it comes to loving other people fully and in the same manner that we desire to be Loved in return. We think of Love as something that needs to be proved, that needs to have a guarantee when really the only guarantee that we have is the Love that we have that we are meant to share with the rest of the world. Love is the great All That Is, and it is the one thing that makes us all Be, and the one thing that makes our lives the grandest example of Spirit. It is through our show of Aloha that people know that Love exists, that it is not only meant for a couple who are romantically involved.

I have much Love for all of humanity, and the human beings in my life know that I Love Them, each of them, down to the very marrow of the Soul and down into those secret places within where only certain people are allowed. I have no conditions for them other than that they need to give Love to everyone they come into contact with, and they know, too, that I am there and waiting with a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on so that they do not have to shoulder a burden that has become too much for them to bear all alone. They know that if I can do something for them to make their lives better, even if only for that moment, that I am there for them and that I am never going away. They know this, deeply, madly and truly they know this.

This is the measure of Love that I have for them, for us all, even and absolutely for myself.

Love You, and You will automatically Love All. You are the representation of The All That Is, and there is nothing and no one who can tell you that you are not, because those same people who would tell you that you are not are also a representation of the Divine within, of the Violet Flame which protects and of the Fire in the Belly which incites us to action and is the catalyst of every single created thing we see.

Love is not conditional, and should not be, and really, it is the only condition that we need to Be in.

I Love You All!!

Rev. Roxanne Cottell can be contacted regarding Spiritual Coaching Sessions, the Healing with Hula Program, Public Speaking and of course performing your wedding by clicking here . Please visit The Sisterhood of The Soul's Official Website by clicking here  Visit The Sisterhood of The Soul's Faecbook Page. .Please also visit the partner Ministry of The Sisterhood of The Soul, The Original Southern Plantation Preacher Lady, Rev. Vel-Danielle Gambrell's   Kindred Souls of The South of Southern Louisiana Facebook Page. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Walk The Path of The Few

Regardless of what the issue is, Spirit is always there

There is no doubt about it - there is a whole lot going on in the lives of humanity right now. That which is not meant to be is no longer or is on its way to being no longer. The things that do not serve us, or perhaps, the things that we were meant to exact, that we were meant to bring to others, anything at all that has to do with our being in service to others is going on, and my proof is that collectively we are not aware, or at least not accepting, the idea that the heartache, the pining for things that do not prompt us to become irritated or irate, is all meant, and meant for reasons that have yet to be revealed.

The things that we have asked to learn are not the same things that we are directly being taught. The things that we are being taught are not entirely the things that we need to learn, and anymore now, more and more, in fact, the things that we are learning from those bringing the lesson to us are also and conversely the very things that they are also learning. Where there is hurt, there is also hurting going on in someone else, quite possibly someone who is close to us or has been, for a long time, very close to us. It can be a coworker, a family member, a friend, our pets....whatever it is, we are meant to walk through this proverbial fire so as to come out of it alive, refined, and very much gleaming like the Sun from whence we came.

BUT...that doesn't mean that any of us are wise to the idea that while it seems we walk alone, Spirit is there. No matter what, in fact, Spirit is there. Spirit is there and listening, not only to our pleas and not only to the sound of our tears as they silently, to our ears, echo the heartache and the very doldrums handed down by the heavens. Spirit is there - right there - carrying us through the fire which is meant to scorch us so that when we are done with the madness that seems not to end, we are stronger for having gone through it all, stronger for the fires which burned but which also cleansed the earth that we each are. Without the fire, there is no cleansing of the earth, and without the earth, there is no perpetuation of Life.

When we go through things, we have to choose to take it as our being taught by Spirit, as our being led through the Fire to the Promised Land that we Are. If we are willing to celebrate when things are wonderful, then we must also be willing to go through the lessons and the heartaches which accompany all who we are, all what we are meant for, and all that we contribute. If we are willing to know abundance, then in order to know what is other than that, we must suffer through the fire in order to remember what it was that we forgot, recall that there is a difference between the fire that is meant but to burn and the fire which is meant to be traversed.

At this time in my own life, there is a great Fire through which I must walk, for on the other side of that Firewalk, there is the river which beckons me, which is the truth of me, which is the thing which I so very dearly desire. It is not out of my reach. It is not meant to be just handed to me, but more, to be appreciated, to be Loved, even as I simultaneously hurt from it, ache from it, want freedom from it. When we avoid the pain, we avoid the learning. I am not always pained, but it is a theme for me at the moment, to be in, be with, and essentially Be the Pain which so many people have sought to no longer have. And always, it is told to them that they must traverse the fire, must walk the Holy Path of Fire so as to have access to the clearing, healing nature of the Water of Life that is the Spirit within Who dearly begs to be seen, and known, and Loved.

Yet, first, and long before the homecoming, we must walk the Path of the few...

I Love You All

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Good Long Look...

Things that break us down make us stronger, I Promise

I am a lucky woman. I say this because everyday I have the chance to help people see through their pain to the reality that is their real self. Today I thought I might write something about a biblical guy named Job but the more I thought about it the more I knew that I had to copy and paste and use this as my blog post today.

The more that humankind goes through this shift in consciousness, the more we hear stories about long time friendships coming to a grinding halt, long time marriages somehow coming to an end. Long time anything no longer being, and it dismays us, it really does, because human beings...we hate to think that we have lost anything, but what no one really thinks about is the flip side of that perceived loss that is actually a gain, if anything, of space in our lives. We never think for a moment that that which we so love or hate right at this moment may be the opposite in effect for us one day. We don't think that one day the Love that we share will be the Love that also hurts us. We don't think that one day, the friend we could trust is also the friend that has hurt us with their truth, not about us, but about themselves.

We think that we cannot deal with something, and when we think that way, we do things to make it true. Last night I had the opportunity to share with a young woman why it is that I think her latest romance has come to an end. I know that it has to do with her growth. When things come to an end, it is not our place to try to make them live again, because if we make them live again, and namely if that thing we went through was particularly hurtful and we, over and over again, choose to deal with that same thing, we find that the hard lesson is never over with, that it will never be over with, and one day, we find out that it was us all along who did not want the Love to end, but that we also did not realize that we kept prolonging the lesson that we no longer needed to learn. I did it. You have done it. We all do it. We will all do it again. This is the nature that is being human. We want so dearly to hang on to what was that we are not willingly looking at what is, and if what is there and real and now is hurting you and making you crazy and making you cry, then really, what is it teaching us other than how to hurt more, possibly again and again, and all for one good reason...

Because we Love to be Loved. We love to be loved by one other person and to be that one other person's one and only. It is wonderful to be the center of attention and the very target of another's affections, but the first and truest love that anyone has ...well...read what I wrote to this wonderful young person about the nature of the Love that she thought would never be gone. I had to reread what I wrote and yes...get your tissues...

""You are not obligated to making her pain go away. That is why she is numbing herself. You are not dying on the inside, but a part of your life that is no longer needed is gone because the lesson is being learned now on some level. She did not break you, you pared it all down. She is not thinking right. You are never stupid for loving someone. You are not stupid because you don't want to hurt anymore.

You are not required to hurt for anyone else's cause, sweetie...not your mom or dad, not your sister, brother, cousin, best friend...no one is required or HAS TO hurt for someone else. You miss the energy that is the balance that Librans need. Yours is the ultimate sign for marriage, and guess what? Shew as just not the right one, not the right fit.

Spirit, God, Goddess...She knows what She is Doing. It is likely that you may get comfort knowing that you have gone through this hurt to avoid going through greater hurt. Let's not think of this as a loss, honey. I know that it is really hard not to, and I know...oh man do I know...the investment of time, and energy and mostly Love, but what you are about to learn now is that you are more than only this part of the Love you crave. This is not a person who has the depth of Soul that you actually Need, dear. You need a depth and an honest partner, and I am sad to tell you this truth because it breaks you a little more, but take heart in knowing that when you look at it from a stranger's eyes, and you see there what is the good in everyone, and you see that this has been the testament to your own ability to Know that you are able to Love...the evidence of this is that you are hurt and crying and more than that, you also know that it has to be this way, or else, really, you will end up in this circle, again and again.

I know the pain that you are in right now, and it is not an easy one but when you are done and you remember who you are you will not even think about this person who is hurt, and I will tell you right now that the hurt is not yours alone. Addicts do not realize that they are numbing their pain.

You are being told by Spirit through her that she has too much pain, so much that not even she can feel it. She is doing this to distance herself from her own pain because your tears and her broken promises make her look at the ugliness that is her soul.
She has no idea that she is in pain because she is too angry at everything and everyone, and this is not because of you, this is hers and hers alone.

Baby girl, you are too good for this, and ya know ya are...

You choose it, sweets....who will you feed this time? Which wolf? The one that bites or the one that protects?
Who will you save?
Her or You?
We both Know that answer...yes, honey....you're right...it's You
I Love You !!"


I had to take a very good long look at who I am, and in this one writing I realized that the one person I always needed was me. That's right - ME. I am who makes or breaks me, and I am who controls my own wolves...be they the real or the imagined.

The only thing that any one of us needs right this moment is to Know and believe that we are all the Love that we need, that sharing that Love with one other person does not come when we want it to be there but when we are ready for it in the Soul. When things are balanced and right in the Soul... THAT is when the fun begins. And the Love can be anything...it can be a person or an animal, or it can be a career that you so dearly want to have...anything at all, it can be. The challenge is NOT waiting for it to happen, because no matter what we think, it ALWAYS happens, but we just don't know when.

The challenge is not the waiting and neither the work to get there.
The Challenge, my dears, is believing that you are worth it all...yes, even the tears - you cried for other people, right? 


I Love You All !

Reverend Roxanne Cottell (Reverend Roxie) can be reached for Coaching Sessions, Public Speaking Engagements, readings, and the like by clicking here

Thursday, April 11, 2013

You Are Loved

You might find it hard to believe, but you are so very dearly Loved...

I think I speak for a lot of us when I say that collectively we are tired of being tired, tired of hurting, tired of the bleeding of the soul that has been happening for many generations. The bleeding Soul is different than the bleeding heart, because it was the heart that bled collectively that all of us brought to the table and it is the bleeding Soul which aches, and it aches for not more than our human inability to simply just Be, in Love.

I write a whole lot about Love, of others, of Self, of Spirit, and while the majority of us understands what it is to feel Love, we are not that great at receiving it. And we should just receive it, because it is ours, and it is us, and once it is that we can accept this, things will start to look up. Make no mistake, even us Soul healers have a hard time anymore just taking and accepting as true the fact that all of us on this planet are Loved. We are Loved, because we ARE Love. That is a big concept which embodies the truth that too many of us refuse to believe, to accept and to act on and is the middle of the reason as to why it seems that we feel like we are stuck. We are not stuck - we are confused, and we are confused because for the most of our collective lives, we have been under the impression that we have to be worthy of someone to love us as we are, but that is the lie we are told without being told - that in order to be Loved, we have to prove that we are worth it.

We are so worth the Love we seek, and it is not the kind of Love that is romantic but the kind that heals our collective and bleeding souls.

We need a healing, the whole of us. We are almost there, but things in the reality that is our collectively lived lives, even as they are singularly separate, keep coming back to us to haunt us.

The ghosts which haunt us, each singularly, are real.

So, too, is the Love.

In Love...

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Mechanism of Spirit

Whether we Know it or not, we are all Mechanisms of Spirit

We are all Mechanisms of Spirit. We are all given gifts before we come into this consciousness and we are all meant to find out what those gifts are and what they are meant to do, not only for our own enjoyment, but more, so that our Purpose can be given energy to be effective in life. Our purpose is energized by our mission in life, and our mission in life is never what we are told by our Ego selves and is always more than what we think it is. Our mission in life serves two purposes - one, to share with others the goodness that we are, and two, to learn to 'Be', in Love, and with our very selves.

It might seem a little bit odd that anyone would tell another person to "be, in love" with one's self, but that weirdness comes from the Ego self, not from the soul. The Soul knows that we all need Love, that in order to have more Love we must not only give more but we must remember always that we ARE LOVE. We are the Love which we each need, and seek, and crave, and this is what is meant by "Self Love."

Self-Love, we have been taught through religious and societal means, is meant to be thought of as conceit, as being the ego run amok and awry. And this is the way that we are taught in church! We are taught that to Love the Self means to be egotistical and arrogant and being willing to be out there in the world telling people that we are great, that we are in love with ourselves and that since we are so great, so, too, must everyone else be in love with us. This is the lie that we, as a collective whole, throughout the length of our time in this consciousness, have not only been told, but for generations many people were jailed, tortured, killed, whatever, some burned at the stake even, all in the name of wanting to spread the love within. The only way to have Love and to Be Love and to believe that we are lovable is to give it first.

As a mechanism of Spirit, it is our Kuleana to be able to give to the rest of the global Tribe the measure of Truth in Love that we each are. As a race, the human beings on the planet took the machinations and the ideology of a few people and made it the golden truth according to them, making it as though human beings needed someone - one person and their minions - to be the leader. The problem with that thought is that leaders who lead for too long and who do see their own human-beingness in the equation of their lives and in regards and measured by other people - those guys, as we all know very well, become a mechanism unto their very selves and more to the ego within them. This is the manifestation of the lie. This is the reality of what we have been told and forced to believe, not only for one generation, but a length of time long enough for the world to have been infected with the ugliness that is arrogance on a level that too many people believe is a given.

Too many people believe that who we are, even in the eyes of Spirit, is dependent upon how many people will notice us and how many people will worship us and how many people will feed our already overblown egos. Too many people are willing to follow what some other human being has said is the truth without first leaning on their own understanding of what the truth really is. And everyone's Truth is different, with purpose, of course, because not everyone is a musician, and not everyone is a poet, and not everyone is a healer, and not everyone is a Seer...but everyone, make no mistake, has a mission, and everyone, again, make no mistake, is also a Mechanism of Spirit.

The way that we know this about who we each are on a singular level as well as a collective level is simply to see who is in our lives, and who is of the same mindset as we are, and who, more than much else, is willing to give what they need in order to receive that same reciprocal energy through compensatory action on our behalf through the light and the machinations of those with whom we share a tight bond with. A tight bond never has to be physical, either, because in Spirit, there is no division, and there is nothing in the way - not even miles. In Spirit, we are all already The One...

Once we can all accept this one thing about each of us, then realize that everyone else should also accept this one thing, then and only then will the intended manifestation of change be apparent.

Only when we are ready and willing to give of ourselves is when we will see that same energy by other people happening in our own lives, and please...kokua me this much, okay?....do not forget that what you give you will also receive.

So, what are you giving? Think about it...it answers that one question of "Why are you messing with ME, God?"

I Love You All !
Aloha !!

Rev. Roxanne Cottell can be contacted via email by clicking here. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Truth in Living

The Grandest Show of Universal and Unconditional Love is Simply and only to Live Your Own Truth

I often can be found in contemplation of the things that visit our lives, and the thing that has been visiting me lately is this thing called "busy." Busy and I have been very busily rattling and humming along the road of life, happily working toward an end result when in reality what I should have been doing is seeking out the balance that all of us needs. Right now there is a balance, and I am given to the idea that the majority of us live life in a balance of extremes. We are either "for or against," "black or white," and so on and so forth, and never once do we think for a moment that the things that we are doing and what we are experiencing all leads to the same thing that we all want to have in our lives, and that one thing is peace.

We need peace of mind, and we need the peace that comes with the understanding of who we each really are and what it is that we are meant to bring to the lives of the many through the Souls of the few.

Well, we are not going to find that peace of mind if we are not at peace with our very selves. This is not me telling you this, but is rather and only the very truth of who we are.

The Very Truth of Who We Are

The very truth of who we each are is the story told to us by other people, and this is the truth because the truth is also that we are each other, that we mirror each other, that every thought and intention that we have has been the truth of us, and it has been each of our human lifetime long experience, if we bother to long enough see things from another point of view or at least acknowledge that ours is not the only thought, ours is not anyone else's thought, and that the truth of us is revealed in that of other people.No matter who you are, what you do, where you have been, what you like, love, want, have, don't have...no matter what, all of that stuff when in regards to ourselves is the very thing that other people bring to us.

If we are in need of more ability toward compassion, we will be given the opportunity to meet someone who will teach us that lesson. If we need to be shown that we are very good at something, someone who is as good as we are at what they do will come into our lives, or , someone who will challenge that in us so that we come to the forefront of who we are and face the scary thing that makes us think that we have to face yet another day being in the light that is not the best for us. This is what people bring to us. This is what we both fear and embrace.

Think about what scares you, and why it is that this time, it is looming and large and in your face.

This, at this time, is the truth of who you are, and yes, they, too, who are mirroring their stuff back at you somehow, are also the truth of you as well.

So...like what ya see?

I Love You All!