Friday, April 26, 2013

Love Conditional

The Problem is not that there is no Love, but that it is Love that comes with conditions

I love people and people know this. I say it often. I show it all the time. I let folks know the truth of me by letting them know that no matter what, the truth of them according to me is that they are Love, that they deserve to be Loved, and that they are at least worthy of Unconditional Love by me and by people like me.
There is so much in this lifetime that we have issues with, so much that we know is not appropriate according to who we are and what we each and independently stand for that we barely recognize Love when it is the truth of us.

Love is the Truth of Us

It is true - Love is indeed the very truth of us. It is the reason that we are each here, and it is the reason that we do the things that we do, not only for ourselves but also for the people in our lives who are the closest to us. Love becomes not only what and who we are when we show those closest to us that this is our truth, but Love becomes who and what we are in regards to other people. We know this, and if we don't know this, then there are people reading this who know this truth now and this truth now is that yes, you are also Love.

My only thought about how it is that we go about no longer knowing that we are Love is that somewhere in the history of us each, there was at least one person who was willing to make us prove to them that we were worthy of their love. When we have to prove to someone else that we are worthy of their truth in Love and we are hurt and we feel like we have to work for their Love, that is not Love, it is a condition.

It is a condition that we must adhere to and it is a condition that if we do not adhere to it, we will be, by the very energy that we are being given by these people, be given something that is there and is something that scars our soul by snuffing the light of our Spirit. Placing conditions on Love hurts us, hurts other people, makes us all feel like somehow we have to keep up with an ideal - someone else's ideal- of what Love is. And we expect people to Love us, all of us does. We expect that they Love us, and expect that they will do so with fervor and with abandon and then the reality of their truth in Love comes and smacks us with the hot spatula of the truth. The truth being that if we want their Love in completion, we have a few conditions to live up to.


Love is the only Condition we need to be in. It is the only real thing and is the thing which heals us more than much else can, yet we hold back and we make those we expected to love us live by the rules of this thing called Love that we think is only between two people. We make it hard on others when we tell them that we Love them and then tell them that there is something that they need to do in order to have that Love in completion, and in reality, it is not total and neither the completeness that is the Love that we all each need, even from our Selves. We have this grand ability to choose, and always, those who are inclined to choose Love but only from their sense and their truth of it are not wholly Loving people and are not wholly Loving themselves either.

Placing conditions on Love cripples and blinds us. It cripples us down to the Bones of the Soul. It blinds us from the truth of us, of those in our awareness, of everything that is meant to be seen as the very truth of Love. We think we know what is best for us, which we do, but this makes us ignorant...blinded by what we think is the Light in us when in reality it is what is blocking that very Light from extending to others.

Love is the Un-Condition

In our society there are many physical conditions that were placed there within us by the conditions placed on Love. We have, as a whole, limited ourselves when it comes to loving other people fully and in the same manner that we desire to be Loved in return. We think of Love as something that needs to be proved, that needs to have a guarantee when really the only guarantee that we have is the Love that we have that we are meant to share with the rest of the world. Love is the great All That Is, and it is the one thing that makes us all Be, and the one thing that makes our lives the grandest example of Spirit. It is through our show of Aloha that people know that Love exists, that it is not only meant for a couple who are romantically involved.

I have much Love for all of humanity, and the human beings in my life know that I Love Them, each of them, down to the very marrow of the Soul and down into those secret places within where only certain people are allowed. I have no conditions for them other than that they need to give Love to everyone they come into contact with, and they know, too, that I am there and waiting with a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on so that they do not have to shoulder a burden that has become too much for them to bear all alone. They know that if I can do something for them to make their lives better, even if only for that moment, that I am there for them and that I am never going away. They know this, deeply, madly and truly they know this.

This is the measure of Love that I have for them, for us all, even and absolutely for myself.

Love You, and You will automatically Love All. You are the representation of The All That Is, and there is nothing and no one who can tell you that you are not, because those same people who would tell you that you are not are also a representation of the Divine within, of the Violet Flame which protects and of the Fire in the Belly which incites us to action and is the catalyst of every single created thing we see.

Love is not conditional, and should not be, and really, it is the only condition that we need to Be in.

I Love You All!!

Rev. Roxanne Cottell can be contacted regarding Spiritual Coaching Sessions, the Healing with Hula Program, Public Speaking and of course performing your wedding by clicking here . Please visit The Sisterhood of The Soul's Official Website by clicking here  Visit The Sisterhood of The Soul's Faecbook Page. .Please also visit the partner Ministry of The Sisterhood of The Soul, The Original Southern Plantation Preacher Lady, Rev. Vel-Danielle Gambrell's   Kindred Souls of The South of Southern Louisiana Facebook Page. 

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