I am almost positive that the things that you are thinking about these days, even though they are the same things that they were about six months ago, they are not the same thoughts about those things. Think about it (do I not LOVE saying that? haha)...think back six months to today's date and about where you were in an emotional sense and you will know that since that time you have grown in your thinking. In fact, you have grown and evolved SO much in the way that you think and do things that to go backward to a way that you knew was the very truth of you is a virtual impossibility because you have, in the time which has passed, become a lot more refined in your thought processes and you have become more aware, not only of the things that you know you do not like and would rather have less of in your life, you are also now more aware of the things that you desire and more, how to keep yourself free from the things that insult your soul.
An Insult to the Soul
For me to have to go through what it was that I elected to put myself through beginning in August of 2012 is like my asking to go back to the biblical vomit that the (for real now) Proverb-ial dog in that bible reference likens mankind to when we choose to go backward to the things that might have worked for us back then but now they only serve to remind of who we are no longer. My best example is that these last three days I have been given proof AND chance to tell many of my students that they have been through a whole lot, but that now is that time when it all seems like it is the same, the things that broke us are here again, and this time we are more inclined to not allow those same demons back into the closets of our minds where some of our monsters still live. It is the demons which we allow and believe that make it all a pain in the rear end when it comes to our evolution.
When you feel like you have to explain yourself about anything that you have asked someone else to do on your behalf, and you know that you and that other person or those other people have evolved to the point where whatever action taken, NOT to remedy but to soothe, temporarily, the aching within, you know that also those same people who are not as evolved will come back at you, roaring and raging from the fires which are set by the Ego. Our Ego is a funny little creature. Our Ego is there to protect us but sometimes, and in fact, more times than not, our Ego is what gets us into all kinds of different sorts of trouble. Sometimes we want to think that we know what is best for us, for our families, and sometimes it is not the words of others coming to us but that which we speak to them that proverbially buries us.
That's right...sometimes it is the words that we tell others when they ask the questions that we have wanted to ask, the very questions that we need to answer ourselves that make it so that we learn when and where and why it was that we chose to insult our own soul. We insult our soul when our physical selves and our egos want what they want, and when it is that we are thinking that there will be one kind of outcome to something that is not a small, but a monumentally huge, outcome to our lives and the thing that we are looking for, we end up with a let down, and that let down is always preceded by our Soul knowing that we should not have trusted what our Ego told us to begin with.
Then there are those times when you yourself are the one to tell people "I told you so" and even though they know that you are right, they insist that no, you are not, and that no, you were never right. The "I Told You So" is the catalyst to things that our Ego needs to learn, because it is in that moment where we are being asked by our guides to either listen, take heed to what our soul is telling us, or get okole sore (butt hurt) because our Ego is so worried that what we are choosing without its help that we just have to save face in front of people who we never realize would never do that same thing for us were the tables reversed.
When we feel nasty about something, all the way down to our core, this is the sign that we have dearly suffered an insult to our very soul. We know it is the truth when we feel awful about something and the only thing that we can feel is that feeling. It is the feeling that somehow there is an absoluteness in the idea and the measure that who we are has been compromised, that what we believe is the truth has been altered AND questioned, by us even, and that alone is a big enough infraction to the Soul.
Everything Old is not only new again, but it is improved
It is not a secret to anyone who really truly knows me, who knows all my secrets and heartaches, everything that makes me laugh like a maniac, that I like being someone who helps other people make the old brand new. By this I mean that those issues that people think are issues are not really issues but instead are facets of life that some folks just do not understand and they are not understanding it because the simple fact is that rarely is any one of us not human enough to be able to look at our own selves objectively. There are not a whole lot of us who can look at a situation that we are right in the middle of and be able to take away the emotional energy from it. It just won't happen. It is why every good healer also has healers who they work with. Every good healer is prone to having bouts of human beingness every now and again, and the most of us are more inclined to tell a person that when they hurt physically, it means that somewhere on the inside they hurt emotionally.
By thinking about a thing in a different manner, we allow the Light of new possibility into our lives. That which we thought was Love was anything but, and that which we thought of as not being the truth in Love is actually the truth indeed. When we think about it all, we can see things travel in a circle, that where we were we have revisited and where we have been in the past, now that it is revisited, we find ourselves there again but that this time around we can see it as being brand new, and the difference is not because the situation is brand new, but more that we are.
When we can think of ourselves as the one missing component of the newness, we can also see the entirety of our situation with us still in the middle of it all but totally at peace with it all. We can see that everything truly does happen for a reason, and that while we might not always understand the reason most of the time we accept it and see the gift that is contained within it. When a circle begins, and we recognize that we have been right where we are now and we can see, too, that this time we are the difference, it truly makes a big fat difference all the way around. When we can see where we have been and can recognize it and can look at it from a new place, we can also see that there are a lot more options to that one thing than we thought. The reason is because we have chosen a new thought about it, and really, most of the time, that is all it takes.
When we stop ourselves from being able to see past anything at all with eyes that are only choosing to see where we have been without seeing again that we can do it different, this is when the heaviness that is the sameness of last time sets in. However, the thing that a lot of us forget about is that there is a reason that we are seeing our circle for the first time in a different manner and too, we can also see that since we are now more willing to approach it in a manner that was not like the past, we can also Know Hope. We can Know Faith. We can, at that point, also Know the richness that is having faith that everything turns out for the best, and that everything that needs to happen, happens.
Like pieces of an intricate puzzle made of the intimacies held with others, we find that we can be at home with ourselves, that we can be comfortable in our own skin and more than that, we find that there are others in our lives who came along for the ride and that somehow, they are a very important piece of the puzzle.
With that much said...you know it is the Truth...
To learn more about the area's ONLY Healing with Hula program, "Na Hula O Ka Wahine'ui," please visit The Sisterhood of the Soul's website at www.mapu70.wix.com/sisterhoodofthesoul.
The original Southern Plantation Preacher Lady, Rev. Vel-Danielle Gambrell and her Kindred Souls of the South's Facebook page can be visited and "liked" by going to www.facebook.com/KindredSoulsOfTheSouth
For information or to set an appointment with either Rev. Roxanne Cottell or Rev. Vel-Danielle Gambrell please send an email to either of them here in facebook by going to:
Rev. Vel-Danielle Gambrell : www.facebook.com/spiritfish
Rev. Roxanne K. Cottell : www.facebook.com/reverendroxie
To contact Rev. Roxanne Cottell (Reverend Roxie) please send an email to reverendroxie22@gmail.com